Serendah, 3pm. Peace and quiet. Weather is cloudy with a chance of rain.
Lee Ting casting the first rod. We kinda shattered the peace when we got there.
Our sacrifice.
Once the rod is in place, there is nothing to do AT ALL . So what else then to drink, stare at the pond and hope.
Stan with his cowboy hat.
More waiting. We tried so hard to not make any noise as it is a no-no when fishing but it didn't really last that long.
Bern Trying To Fish 101 First : Learn from someone who fishes and is patient.
Second : Attempt to follow instructions given and throw the line properly without hooking anything else on the way by accident. Do it with lots of enthusiasms.
Third : Smile at photo oppurtunity to capture first fishing moment on camera.
Fourth : After all that smilling, the lesson is to always REMEMBER the after-instructions. Or else you will end up with a tangled fishing line as per above picture.
Fishing Trip brought to you by YJ & LT.
Kampung Orang Asli Serendah,Rawang, 29th May 2010 x