Posté with love


These day dreams, these day dreams, let's go.

This is me relaxing on a cool breezy late Saturday afternoon on a comfy red chaise lounge chair listening to Kings of Leon while reading up on dreamy faraway destinations on Conde Nast Traveller and flipping through a Rolling Stones magazine just because the very sexy Mayer is on the cover. It was quiet, the water was inviting and all i was missing was a nice cold beer in my hand if only hotel bars did not charge that much.

Just as the afternoon sun was slipping away and the palms of the coconut trees slowly sway, i was lull into a sweet slumber. While gently closing my eyes, behind me was the far distant faint sounds of traffic lingering below and the occasional of children laughing as they play in the shallow waters of the pool. It was becoming one of my favourite afternoons so far. This was something i could do over and over again.

Well, one must know though that it could be possible because this afternoon was just a mere 15 minutes away from where i live. It is of the concept of getting away on a weekend getaway without really getting away so your get away right in the city. No travelling required. Just a great hotel deal and time to spare. So scour the Internet for a great deal, pack your weekend best, compile your favourite chill out music, grab a good book you have been dying to read and just have a wonderful weekend xx