Posté with love


Truly Malaysian

I may be an unconventional malaysian but still one at heart.
  • i don't speak my language - mandarin. i am considered very un-multilingual by malaysian standard.
  • i can't handle spicy food. yes, it's just one of those things people say "what! buuuuttt you're malaysian!".
  • speaking bout spicy, i do not eat sambal with my nasi lemak. i will literally just eat the nasi, ikan bilis, kacang, the cucumber and the egg :) oh. i am not a fan of teh tarik at all. or coffee. or chilli sauce/cili padi. all such malaysian things. but i love durian :)
  • i speak malay with a slight slang. haha.
  • i haven't been to our beautiful East Malaysia till last month (note : will visit more often!)


  • i love our food. so many choices, so many places and we get food round the clock at every hour at every corner.
  • i am truly malaysianised by way of speaking. where else can we talk like that lah?
  • i think we are so blessed - everything in abdundant, no natural disasters, lush green forests, mountains and beaches at our very own backyard and it's love all around with our diverse cultures! its all love, peace & beauty.
Yes, i may look to other countries and imagine myself there but i there is a love and bond with this place. it's the only one i have and the only one i know by heart even with it's flaws, imperfection and all. i wouldn't have it anyway.

Happy Independence Day.